EHR Vendors

Health Tech

Debunking 4 Misbeliefs About Why Vendors Keep Breaking Promises to Providers

One in four providers said that health technology vendors haven’t kept their promises in the past year. KLAS Research debunked four common misconceptions vendors may have about why so many providers feel this way — such as the false notion that employees who weren't part of the purchasing decision feel the most disappointed by vendors or the misbelief that it's better to not make promises in the first place.

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MedCity Influencers

EMR – Does Support Matter?

During the past few years, the number of EMR vendors in the market has augmented. EMR vendors know that incorporating unique value adding features in their Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is a good strategy. However, that is not the only reason that could help them convince medical practitioners to implement EMRs and increase their clientele. […]

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MedCity Influencers

EHR and Security Concerns

The contributions and advantages that Electronic Health Records have brought to the healthcare industry cannot be overlooked. Physicians are keen to adopt EHRs and implementing them appropriately is evident proof of the aforementioned claim. It was never difficult for them to comprehend that EHRs would not only simplify workflow management for their practices, but also […]

MedCity Influencers

EHR and Big Data

Healthcare has gone through a monumental change within the last few years. Today, there is a different air about care organizations. With a clear goal in sight, the industry has a motive to change. Healthcare must look beyond closed walls as it moves toward population health management. Health IT has given a purpose and has […]

MedCity Influencers

The Influence of Health IT and EHRs

The healthcare IT industry has gone through a dramatic change over the last few years. While much of it is attributable to the government’s relentless support and backing of EHR adoption, the uptake and reception by medical practitioners has been far more encouraging than anticipated. Physicians are not in any way the technological pariahs they […]

MedCity Influencers

A Shout out to the EHR Vendors: Your Help is Needed

The CMS EHR Incentive Program is a rare opportunity to witness government funding provide a massive stimulation to a particular industry. HIT vendors are finding themselves in the enviable position of selling products and services to customers who don’t have to pay for them. For years we have heard that the cost of EHRs was […]